repair and strengthening of a sump tank (S4907 & S4904) in Fajr-e Jam gas refinery February 14, 2021Repair and strengthening of storage tanksBy admin
repair and strengthening of an storage tank (TK 101-A) in Fajr-e Jam gas refinery February 14, 2021Repair and strengthening of storage tanksBy admin
Repair and strengthening of #9002 storage tank of LavanOil Refining Company April 21, 2018Repair and strengthening of storage tanksBy beny
repair and strengthening of an storage tank (#9012) in Lavan Oil Refining Company February 17, 2018Repair and strengthening of storage tanksBy beny
reinforcement of underground tanks in Fajr-e Jam gas refinery August 27, 2017Repair and strengthening of storage tanksBy beny
repair and strengthening of an storage tank (#9017) in Lavan Oil Refining Company August 27, 2017Repair and strengthening of storage tanksBy beny
repair and strengthening of an storage tank (TK 101-B) in Fajr-e Jam gas refinery August 27, 2017Repair and strengthening of storage tanksBy beny
Repair and strengthening of an storage tank (TK 8101-C) in Fajr-e Jam gas refinery February 22, 2017Repair and strengthening of storage tanksBy beny
repair and strengthening of an storage tank(#9009) in Lavan Oil Refining Company August 1, 2013Repair and strengthening of storage tanksBy beny
Reinforcement of de-salter tank using composite materials in National Iranian South Oilfields Company May 18, 2013Repair and strengthening of storage tanksBy beny